SRSC Families,
Welcome back!
If you’re just joining our club as a new family, welcome! I continue to be astonished at the growth of this club over the course of the past ten years. I have seen players start as U6 Academy players become players on their home high school teams and beyond. We appreciate the support of our parents and are so proud to share these memories with our families.
Fall Registration is underway! We are excited to announce that Fall Season 2022-2023 will bring some new and exciting changes to our club. Details to come, so check those mailboxes for club wide updates as well as Facebook for announcements leading up to the fall season.
We are excited to welcome some familiar faces returning as coaches and volunteers for the club, as always please reach out should you have an interest in being a part of SRSC. We welcome all volunteers and encourage you to become involved.
Our website continues to evolve, please pay close attention as registration this year will look a little different on our SRSC online website. We have a new registration portal to make things a little easier. We will still plan to collect payments for registration at our two payment collection dates at the end of June. Please plan to attend or send someone to drop off those payments to us on time. Mark those calendars!
I look forward to watching your children grow this fall season.
Krista Butcher
SRSC President