South Range Soccer Club is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
Thank you for considering a sponsorship with South Range Soccer Club.
Benefits of being a SRSC Forward Team Sponsor include:
• Your business logo and hyperlink will be featured on SRSC website homepage.
• Banner for your business name at SRSC Field.
• A SRSC Commemorative Plaque will be presented to your business.
• Your business name will be printed on a SRSC team’s uniform.
• Signage space available for your business name located at our SRSC Clubhouse.
• Advertising space and hyperlink for your business will be available on SRSC website sponsorship page.
• Business Promotion: SRSC will promote your business, thanking you for your sponsorship through social media
posts and in our email newsletter.
Benefits of being a SRSC Midfielder Team Sponsor include:
• A SRSC Commemorative Plaque will be presented to your business.
• Your business name will be printed on a SRSC team’s uniform.
• Signage space available for your business name located at our SRSC Clubhouse.
• Advertising space and hyperlink for your business will be available on SRSC website sponsorship page.
• Business Promotion: SRSC will promote your business, thanking you for your sponsorship through social media
posts and in our email newsletter.
Benefits of being a SRSC Defender Team Sponsor include:
• Your business name will be printed on a SRSC team’s uniform.
• Signage space available for your business name located at our SRSC Clubhouse.
• Advertising space and hyperlink for your business will be available on SRSC website sponsorship page.
• Business Promotion: SRSC will promote your business, thanking you for your sponsorship through social media
posts and in our email newsletter.
GOAL KEEPER Donation of Choice, $100 minimum or sponsor a player.
Benefits of being a SRSC Goal Keeper Sponsor include:
• Advertising space and hyperlink for your business will be available on SRSC website sponsorship page.
• Business Promotion: SRSC will promote your business, thanking you for your sponsorship through social media
posts and in our email newsletter.
Contact: Heather Judin, (614) 975-8901