Greetings South Range Soccer Families,
Registration is well underway! We are excited to have many returning faces as well as some new families joining us this fall. Warm welcome to you all!
I wanted to take this time to share some great news with our families. New this season, our fields have changed location! We have spent the off season discussing different opportunities for our club. We have grown over the years and as a result we need space.
We are excited to share that our new location will be on the South Range Schools campus. We have worked out arrangements with the SR School District and are looking forward to our new space located in front of the South Range Elementary school. Please take note that the new address for our club will be:
11300 Columbiana-Canfield Road, Canfield, Ohio 44406
* Parking for this new location will be available directly in front of the fields, to the right of the Schools weight room. Please DO NOT park along the gravel access drive located behind the playground, we will need to keep this available to the school for emergencies and the maintenance department. This will apply throughout the entire season.
* Please respect this new space! Pick up your trash and deposit in the trash bins located in our new space. Let’s work together to keep this space clean and something to share with others with pride.
Please Make Note of Revised Dates:
Last day of registration will be June 19th. Late registrations will be charged a late fee of $20.00 if registered beyond this date. Please register early!
Registration Payment Day – June 20th and 21st – 4:30p.m. – 6:30p.m.
Plan to bring payment to the Beaver Township Administration Building during this time. Cash or check only will be accepted. We will not be able to accept credit cards for payment this season.
U6 – Summer Camp – Dates for this camp will be announced in the coming weeks. In years past, this camp took place during the week. We are working with our coaches to come up with a schedule for camp. Those U6 kids will be contacted directly for this camp on dates and time. Between now and the start of camp, would be a great time to plan to grab Size 3 soccer ball, shin guards, and soccer boots( soccer cleats) or plan to wear tennis shoes for camp. Camp T-shirts will be given by the first week of camp. Plan to bring plenty of water. This will be approx. 1 hour in length- twice weekly.
Competitive/Travel – In regards to our competitive offerings at SRSC this season – we have several coaches, some of which are returning and some of which are new to the club. As we continue to grow, we are looking to offer competitive. As of right now, competitive/ travel will not be an option due to coach availability for this division of SRSC. Are you interested in possibly taking a team competitive? Now is a great time to reach out. We will help assist in this process with YAYSL Soccer League.
Looking forward to seeing you all on the fields.
Krista Butcher
President SRSC