South Range Soccer Club In-House League
Rules & Regulations
The following rules and regulations are written in accordance with the United States Youth Soccer Association rules. The South Range Soccer Club (SRSC) aims to foster a love of soccer within our youth, develop sportsmanship and integrity, promote a healthy lifestyle, all while building connections within our community. SRSC’s success is possible thanks to our incredible volunteers, local business sponsors, and the overwhelming support from our local community. Our volunteer board thanks all of those who make each season a fun, safe, and memorable experience for our youth!
SRSC has teams in multiple leagues, these are the rules for our in-house South Range Soccer Club League (SRSC-L).
SRSC Age Divisions
SRSC in-house age divisions are as follows and are determined by player’s birth-year, using the US Soccer age group model: Under 6 (U6), Under 8 (U8), and Under 10 (U10). Players must have board approval to play outside of their age division, and may only move up 1 division. Players can not move down a division.
4 week “Camp” season, meeting twice weekly, run by coaches and U6 coordinators
Each session consists of a 30-minute training period, followed by 3v3 games; Size 3 soccer ball
8 game season; practices scheduled by coaches; games refereed by coaches
6 v 6 games (including goalies), 2 x 20 minute halves; Size 3 soccer ball
8 game season, with single-elimination tournament; games refereed by paid US Soccer Licensed referees at least 13 years of age, 7v7 games (inc. goalies), 2 x 25 minute halves; Size 4 soccer ball
All players must wear soccer cleats (with no toe cleat or metal cleats), shin guards, black socks, and black shorts (with no pockets) for all games. No jewelry is allowed for practices or games. Team jerseys will be provided by SRSC for each player and must be worn for each game.
All SRSC U6, U8, and U10 games and practices will be held at our fields located at 11300 Columbiana-Canfield Road Canfield, Ohio 44406.
Game Play
All teams have unlimited substitutions and must be made with permission from the referee. Players must enter and exit the field at the midfield line.
As a learning, recreational league, SRSC requires that all eligible players play in each half of every game. Coaches should aim for as equal playing time among players as possible.
No player can play as goalkeeper for more than half of each game.
U8 and U10 fields each have a build-out line drawn 14-yards in front of each goal. When the goalkeeper possesses the ball in hand or a goal kick is being made, all players from the opposing team must stay behind this line.
In U8, the ball is considered in-play once:
– the goalkeeper throws the ball past the build-out line
– the goal kick is kicked past the build-out line
– a second touch is made by the offensive team
In U10, the ball is “in- play” once:
– the ball leaves the goalkeepers’ hands
– the goal kick is made
In U10, this line also indicates where offside can be called, as teams cannot be called for off-side between the midfield and build-out-line.
SRSC referees follow and enforce USSF Referee Rules.
The referees for SRSC games are South Range community members, either students or parents. All referees have completed the required US Soccer Referee Program coursework and in-person training. Referees are paid in cash, by the “home” team coach, before the beginning of the match.
SRSC Field Rules and Code of Conduct
- The following are PROHIBITED from SRSC fields: Dogs/pets, all tobacco products, vaping, alcohol, and all weapons.
- All players, coaches, and spectators must demonstrate good sportsmanship by showing proper respect to each other and to the referee.
- Please remember that our volunteer coaches devote much of their time to helping your children learn and love the game of soccer. Please refrain from coaching from the sidelines and confusing players. Focus your attention on cheering for the players in a positive, courteous manner.
- Profanity, vulgar language, and/or harassment toward others will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
- Referees have the right to stop the game and remove anyone who is violating this code of conduct. If a problem persists, a game may be forfeited by the offending team. Recurrent issues with players or families can result in the removal of a player from the South Range Soccer Club.
- As a club, SRSC strives to teach our children how to handle the wins and the losses with integrity, and we depend on our coaches and families to model this behavior. Please help us continue the long-standing tradition of exceptional sportsmanship in the South Range Community.