SRSC Competitive Program
We will be offering competitive soccer for Fall 2025 through Youngstown Area Youth Soccer League (YAYSL). Competitive soccer requires a higher level of skill and commitment from players, coaches and parents. SRSC will not know exactly which divisions we will have until after tryouts, which is tentatively scheduled for the first week of May.
• Try-outs will be conducted at SRSC Fields
• Evaluations will be determined by the South Range High School Varsity Coaches
• Try-outs will be for players with birth years 2011 – 2017
• Divisions will likely fall between U10 – U15. Not all divisions will have a competitive team
• Competitive soccer is for serious players who are looking for a higher level of play and plan to play high school soccer
• Teams are either all boys or all girls, unless a division does not have enough players, then SRSC can create a co-ed team who would play in the YAYSL boys’ or Coed division
• Competitive players are required to try out for their home school community’s team first, based on YAYSL rules, unless your player is currently playing for another competitive team prior to 2025
• If your player is not chosen for the SRSC Competitive Program, or there is no team for their division, your player is welcome to try out for another school’s competitive program or stay at South Range and play in our recreational program
• Any player already on a competitive team at a different school has the option to stay with their current team or try out for the SRSC Competitive Program
• If your player is not a South Range student, and your school does not have a competitive soccer program, your player is welcome to try-out for SRSC Competitive Program
SRSC Recreational Program
When it comes to recreational soccer, SRSC will continue to offer the same program as always! We will continue to offer in-house U6, U8 and U10. For divisions U12 and U14/15, SRSC will continue to play in the Salem Youth Soccer League. Recreational soccer checks all the boxes when it comes to having a great soccer experience!
• Everyone who registers plays on a SRSC team, ages 4-14
• No experience required
• Your player does not have to attend South Range Schools
• Play in exciting games against other teams
• Learn the fundamentals of the game of soccer
• Great exercise and spend time outdoors
• Both players and parents make new friends and build community
• All U10, U12 and U14/15 teams play in a season end tournament
• Parents can volunteer to be a coach or hired as a licensed referee
• A player can play for both recreational and competitive teams, but games and practices may conflict. Competitive takes precedent
• Recreational teams may only have 3 competitive players each, per SYSL rules. Competitive players who wish to also play on a recreational team, will be first come first served
• SRSC competitive players will be selected first for recreational teams before competitive players from other schools