Recreational Waiting List Player's First Name Player's Last Name Player's Date of Birth 123456789101112/12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031/201820172016201520142013201220112010 Gender —Please choose an option—FemaleMale Jersey Size —Please choose an option—Youth XSYouth SmallYouth MediumYouth LargeAdult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult XL School Competitive Team & Division Allergies or Physical conditions of which the staff should be aware: Parent Full Name Parent Email Parent Mobile Phone Address Interested in Volunteering? Head CoachAssistant CoachPaid RefereeParent HelperConcessions Medical Release Liability Waiver Form I, the parent or guardian for my child (“Participant”) release, discharge and/or otherwise indemnify the organization/league/club for which I am registering the child to play, Ohio Youth Soccer Association North, its affiliated sponsors, employees and associated personnel, including the owners of the fields and facilities utilized against any claim by, or on behalf of, the registrant as a result of his or her participation. Consent for Medical Treatment (MINOR) I hereby give my consent to have a coach, athletic trainer; emergency personnel and/or doctor of medicine or dentistry provide my son/daughter with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be responsible financially for the reasonable cost of such assistance and/or treatment. Click continue to complete waiting list signup.